Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sleeping in the Mud

In this photo a poor little boy is laying down in the mud outside. This boy might not have a home to sleep in so he is forced to sleep in the mud. This is sad because he might have to work very hard to at least try to eat.

the stare in despare

This picture is a lady and her children, this photo summarizes all the pain and suffering in the families during the great depression. You can see all the feelings in the expression of my face.

Walk till you drop

This picture shows how people in the people in the great depression were so old and poor. They are old and weak and they should not walking long lengths. they are so poor during this time that they don't have a car which is necessary for people at there age.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Comic Death

By the time 1929 came around with the great depression everyone was willing to give up with life, even the cartoons. Cartoon artist had no difficulty in displaying how bad the great depression was getting by this time. The percentages increased rapidly in the 1920's-1930's. Tragic suicides for frustraded and helpless citizens in America. Rest In Peace.

Walking Destination

These men are living in the time of the great depression. The billboard on the side of the road says next time to take a train. These men didn't take a train because they probably couldn't afford it.

The Bench Bed

This picture is a man that is forced to sleep on a park bench. He is forced to this because he probably lost his house by the effect of the stock crash. This man was highly effected by the great depression.

Do They Have A Nice Bed?

During the Great Depression, people would start to sleep anywhere they saw was empty. Not having a bed to sleep in or a nice warm house to be in. Kids sleeping in the floor with partial blankets on them, having to share with siblings or strangers they did not know.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

fruit of depression

In this picture it shows people were selling fruit for 5 cents. This displays people during this time can barley afford fruit. If people barley had enough money for fruit they didn't have enough money to buy a house.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Restless and Homeless

When you have no place to go and you are just run down and frustrated, just go to the place most popular "The Street". During the 1930's you were able to call the streets one of the most popular hang out even though you had to no real place to go the street turned into your home to comfort you in the great depression.

tobacco funding?

During the great depression even if you were poor they sold tobacco so they could get through the days .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do You Have A House?

Do yo have a house? Do you ever think about giving all your things away because you have to? Well during the great depression they did not have the choice they had to give all there furniture away, they had to give a part of their life away.

Hope The Hungry

False hope? Sometimes. Downfall in the economy? Most of the time. The good will of others? Everywhere.

When You Do Not Have A House Make One..

As you can see they had to start living in places that they built on there on by metal that they found laying around. anything that you find use it. would you live in the streets cold?

Strong Children Protesting for their Struggling Parents

As you can see in  the following picture, young children in the great depression are trying to find their parents a job. Would you allow your children to protest for you to find a job? In a depression like this I sure wouldn't, times like his you want to keep your family all together not seprarated by the danger of the outside world.

what money does..

When you had no money you  had to shop in stores that you can afford to shop in and that was not very many, the great depression made those people who were rich shop where things were cheap.Everyone suffured from the great downfall in the economy.

Keep Moving Forward

During the 1920, when America was in the great depression unemployed men were helplessly look for jobs and are left going from city to city without any luck in finding a job to support their families that they left behind.

nobody knows you

"wanted jobs: Men were searching for jobs, listed what they were good at and what they were all ages, trying to gain money for there families and themselves. "